Competitions & Grants - New Zealand Organ Association

NZOA actively promotes the organ and its music, recognises outstanding contributions, and supports students, through a variety of competitions, awards and grants.

NZOA Organ Performance Awards – please see the sub-menu for details

NZOA Organ Composition Awards – a competition that is held from time to time, which aims to foster increased awareness of and interest in organ music, performance and composition, as well as to add to the corpus of high-quality New Zealand organ music. Notice of any future Composition Awards will be given in our Journal.

NZOA Fellowship – we honour distinguished contributors by making them Fellows of the Association. Ordinary or Personal Members who have given distinguished service to the Association or to one of its affiliated societies, and who have furthered the aims and objects of the Association in an outstanding way, generally over an extended period, may be elected a Fellow of the Association and use the initials FNZOA after his or her name. The current Fellows of the Association are Dr John Wells (2002), Paul Ellis (2002), Roy Tankersley (2005) and John Dodgshun (2012).

Student Congress Attendance Grants – we aim to encourage students to attend our Annual Congress by covering the entire cost of Congress Registration, and contributions toward travel and accommodation. This funding is supported jointly by NZOA and the Regional Associations. Application forms will be posted here, and published in our Journal.

Stuart Panting Memorial Essay – named after our former President Stuart Panting (1966-1967), this scheme enables the NZOA Council from time to time to commission an article that will assist in the development of the body of knowledge of New Zealand Organ Matters, for publication in New Zealand Organ News.